Contact Us

For any further information you can contact us by post, at the following address:

Juniper Green Village Hall
1a Juniper Park Road
EH14 5DX

by telephone on 0131 458 3751
Please note that the office is manned Mon-Fri only, at variable hours in the afternoon and evening (not mornings).  If you leave a message on our answering machine, it will be dealt with at the earliest opportunity.

by email:

Or you can use the contact form below.

Please be aware that the Hall is run primarily by volunteers. While we will aim to respond to enquiries within 48 hours of receipt, we cannot always guarantee that this will be possible.

Enquiries about bookings will be dealt with in order of receipt.  To avoid disappointment, we recommend that you give us as much notice as possible of the date of your proposed booking.

Contact Form

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